Note to everyone, please read!!! :)

Hello, and welcome to my humanities class blogger! There are some things that I would really like you to check out, and please please please help me out by checking them out~ :P

Anyway, on the right hand side (or the left side of the screen), there is a survey/poll question called What type of presentation do you wish to see me present the case studies with?~ Please vote, and take note that you can choose more than one option! Second of all, after reading each case study post, please click on the link at the end of the artifacts that links to a facebook discussion forum to post comments about my blog post! Third of all, keep track of my posts by "following" me!!! Last but not least, feel free to check out my other humantities class portfolios like youtube, facebook, or twitter! You can find the links to all three of those on the right side (once again)~

Thank you for taking the time to read this, enjoy this blog and...ummm...have a nice day!!! :P

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Case Study#1: Britain and the Building of a Global Empire

Enjoy all the artifacts!!! ☺

Individual Rubric:
There are seven things that I think makes a portfolio or any assignment good.
  1. Reflections- Honest, detailed reflections.
  2. Originality- Shows the style and individuality of MEEEE!!! :P
  3. Design- Color coded, easy to navigate, arranged and aligned, easy to read.
  4. Learning- Works show learning and contain information, related to the case study and assignment.
  5. Enjoyment- Having fun or making an artifact seem fun.
  6. Thought and effort- Connections, how complete each uploaded artifact is, and pushed to the limit.
  7. Feedback- Detailed feedback to peers stating in detail what's good and bad.
Links to the artifacts!
Artifact #1: Teacher's Choice Primary Resource
Artifact #2: Idea Page
Artifact #3: Headline News Report
Artifact #4: Biographical Spotlight
Artifact #5: Google Earth Tour
Artifact #6: Original Student Artwork
Artifact #7: Influential Artwork
Artifact #8: Student Choice
Artifact #14: Research Collaboration and Video Presentation
Artifact #16: My Photo Story Prezi

Artifact #1:  Primary Resource (Teacher's Choice)

Child Labor in Cotton Factories:

This is a primary resource created and published by Robert Southey in England that includes a record of a conversation between him and Mr. Manchester guy, and also some of Robert Southey's opnions. This is an excerp taken from Letters From England, which was published in 1807. Robert Southey is often known as a romantic poet, but he is also known to reveal political views and stances in his poetry and other works.

This document was written because the author, Robert Southey, wants to emphasize the cruel conditions in factories especially for children. His stance is that child labor is bad, because it hurts the kids' physical and mental health. He thinks that letting children handle the machinery for such long hours is torture, and there shouldn't be child labor. The author wants as many people to read it as possible, because that will definitely get his ideas out easily. Also, he probably wants people who can directly stop the problem of child labor (such as factory bosses/directors and government officials) to read this in order to stop child labor as soon as possible.

This was written by Robert Southey at a time of the Industrial Revolution, where child labor was a main crisis because child labor was cheaper and more convenient. This article shows the harsh conditions in which children work in dealing with factories, and it also shows what some people think about this issue. For example, Mr. Manchester guy clearly thinks that child labor is acceptable, and that the children aren't harmed at all, whereas Robert Southey thinks that the children are being tormented when they work in the factories. It mainly describes Robert Southey's point of view, but what Mr. Manchester guy thinks/says are there for us to see too, so conditions of child labor are more accurately portrayed due to the two different sides of the conversation.

This document doesn't really tell statistics and facts, because they're mainly opinions of the author and Mr. Manchester guy only. They might seem like facts, but the adjectives and vague phrases that are used to describe the conditions of child labor and what they think of it makes things a little more nebulous and harder for the readers to grasp what is actually going on. Also, the author obviously didn't include every single line/word of the conversation, so we have no way of judging things due to whatever he left out. Also, Robert Southey and Mr. Manchester guy are still partially outsiders. What we know is what they think and what they think that the children think, but what we don't know is what the children working in the factories actually think, and that is a big blind spot.

1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
This artifact relates to human health, because this article focuses on the harsh conditions that children go through at work. This definitely emphasizes on possible health problems.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
This artifact also relates to urbanization, because urbanization is a reason why child labor existed. Because of many factories and many places industrializing, more numbers of workers and cheaper workers are needed, and that's when children get pulled to work long hours in loud, dangerous places.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
This was the teacher's choice primary resource, so I didn't really have a choice, but I learned from and enjoyed this article anyway~ It took me about half an hour to read and follow the guidelines on the OPVL hand out.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I learned some basic information about child labor and the working conditions of children during that time. I also learned some things about Robert Southey, including his leaking of views about the society in his works and the fact that he opposes child labor.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
Not really, because analyzing is just not my thing, and I really think I need practice in this area. Still, I think I might have gotten some of the "hidden" things that Robert Southey was trying to yell out at everyone about.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of 0~5(0 is neutral) for these 4 criteria:
    a) Impact on the quality of your portfolio
3, because I don't think this is a really really great analysis, but I think it meets the requirememts.
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
3, because it's fun, but not exactly the most enjoyable thing on the planet~ :P
    c) Impact on your learning
4, because I learned how to analyze articles using the OPVL format, and I also learned what some people back them thought about child labor, and some conditions of child labor.
    d) Level of creativity and originality
3, because this doesn't show a lot of creativity, but it's easy to tell that I was the one who wrote it because it kind of leaks my style of writing.
6. Any additional comments.
Please please please help me improve by commenting and giving feedback on this artifact, because I really need the help especially for this one! Thanks~ :)

 Click here to comment on the feedback forum for this artifact!!! Thanks~ :)

Artifact #2:  Idea page

Idea page: Britain and the Building of a Global Empire~
If this image is not clear enough,click on it for the original size of the photo.
If it's still not large enough, view close-up/zoomed in photos.
To do that, click on: Tina Kinzer: Case Study #1 Photos on facebook

1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
This artifact relates to inventions, ingenuity, and entrepreneurship, because this whole idea page focuses on Britain at the time of the industrial revolution and also contains a lot of information about Britain and industrialization, which definitely includes many innovations and entrpreneurship stuff that was going on in Britain during that time.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
This artifact also relates to building the modern economy, because that's exactly what the industrializing will eventually lead to... difference in economy and rules/patterns of economy that still exist today.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
I chose this idea page to use for this artifact because it was my most complete idea page, all I did after the note-taking session in class was organize a summary and some additional thoughts to it, which took about five minutes if the note-taking time wasn't counted. The note-taking took around half an hour.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I learned some basic information about Britain during the industrial revolution, and the information painted an image of Britain during that time, making me understand the big picture as to what was going on.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
Kind of, because to be honest I don't think I'm that bad at taking notes, and I can definitely read my notes easily afterwards.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of 0~5(0 is neutral) for these 4 criteria:
    a) Impact on the quality of your portfolio
4, because I think my writing is definitely able to be read, and I don't think I suck at notetaking~ :P
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
4, because I like idea pages, and it makes me feel accomplished whenever I finish an idea page.
    c) Impact on your learning
4, because the notes contain information from the prezi that tells about the overall big picture of Great Britain in the 19th century.
    d) Level of creativity and originality
4, because it's a certain format of notetaking, but the symbols I used and the main categories I included in the column on the left shows that this is a page of my notes, and it's different from other people's.
6. Any additional comments. comment. :)

 Click here to comment on the feedback forum for this artifact!!! Thanks~ :)

Artifact #3:  Headline News Report

Luddites Hung For Horsfall Murder
   On the 28th of April, 1812, it was witnessed by many that four men, each armed with horse pistols, fired at the victim, and the victim, Mr. William Horsfall, was accurately shot by all four of them. He fell off the horse, bleeding, while many watching rushed to his side. The assassins were described as slender, and after the murder escaped without the knowing of others.
   After the murder, it was reported that there was instability in Huddersfield and troops were to guard the area in case of more atrocious events.
   Until January 2, 1813, the four assassins remain unpunished, but on that day three were found guilty for the murder. The three young men, George Mellor, Thomas Smith, and William Thorpe, were then hung on the 8th of January that same year. The next day, seven others were tried for their participation in the attack, and all but two were hung that same day. Nine more Luddites were hung for stealing in March of 1813. After that, it was reported that Huddersfield was no longer troubled and troops withdrew from the area.

1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
This artifact relates to class conciousness, because this murder definitely incorporates reasons that have to do with different social classes, and the people assassinating are definitely not of a high-ranking class status.
    b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
This artifact also relates to building the modern economy and urbanization because this event relates to economy and definitely is a result of urbanization.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
I chose to write about the people being hung for the murder and stealing at Horsfall's because there is more to write about because that murder was a big thing and was in quite a few newspapers after the event, so there are more pieces of information for me to collect about it. I spent around an hour to read the page and around half an hour to read some articles from that time and try to write it the way they used to write newspapers back then.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I learned a lot from this assignment because I had no knowledge about the Luddites and the style of writing back then until after this assignment.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
No, because it is definitely hard to use the grammar that those newspapers used, because even though I found out that the order of words is different from today's, it's still hard to recreate it into a style that's so different from what I'm used to while incorporating information that I just learned and don't know that much about.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of 0~5(0 is neutral) for these 4 criteria:
    a) Impact on the quality of your portfolio
2, I tried hard to write this in a style the old newspapers were written in while including as much information as possible, but the best of my ability was not exactly enough.
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
3, I did learn and I'm glad I learned something, but to be honest I don't really like learning this because the image of what happened is still hazy, due to my lack of knowledge about events during this time period in Britain.
    c) Impact on your learning
4, I learned a lot!
    d) Level of creativity and originality
3, this is semi- creative and original.
6. Any additional comments.
For this artifact, like the first one, I would really appreciate some tips as to how to improve it! So please please please help out by commenting on the feedback forum! :P

Click here to comment on the feedback forum for this artifact!!! Thanks~ :)

Artifact #4:  Biographical Spotlight

Main points:
  • Lord Melbourne and Queen Victoria had a complicated relationship... Family-like love on the outside, but probably not on the inside.
  • Queen Victoria was very against Sir Robert Peel at first, but her husband's honor for her made her gradually change her opinion, and she was upset about the loss of a very great friend when Peel passed away.
  • Lords Russell and Palmerston have bad reputations with Queen Victoria, and she does not like their personalities despite the fact that they performed well in office.
  • Benjamin Disraeli knew what Queen Victoria wants, he says the right things for her to hear, and he advised his colleague once to "First of all, remember she's a woman".
  • Queen Victoria didn't like the way that Gladstone addressed her, "as though they were at a public meeting".
  • Queen Victoria changed some rules about women. She was a big part of the escalation of more women's rights!

Detailed information from the article:
          Lord Melbourne, the prime minister of the United Kingdom when Queen Victoria was eighteen, influenced Queen Victoria's life by a lot. According to diarist Charles Greville, he would always treat Queen Victoria with a lot of respect, consult her opinions, and praise her for many things. The article mentions that "Queen Victoria was basked in Melbourne's skillful flattery." This lead to murmurs within the nation as to what was happening between the two of them. Although Queen Victoria stated that she "loved him like a father", Charles Greville inferred that she probably wished for a relationship with Lord Melbourne, "though she does not know it." It was also said that Lord Melbourne was supposed to advise her, but he messes up sometimes and gives her the wrong advice. Later on, the murmurs in the crowd became louder, and Queen Victoria found herself being attacked publically. Her popularity started to fade away, and there were even two ladies who shouted "Mrs. Melbourne!" at her!
          However, at the beginning of the year 1839, Lord Melbourne had to resign. Queen Victoria was mortified by Sir Robert Peel becoming the next prime minister that she had to work with, because she thinks it's difficult to talk to him and his shyness makes her very shy as well. Queen Victoria then started to be very stubborn and petulant with Peel, and he couldn't just couldn't do anything about it, so Melbourne remained in office for a while longer. Still, in 1841, an election finally forced Lord Melbourne to have to resign. Lord Melbourne still passed advices to Peel about how to communicate effectively with Queen Victoria, and Peel would follow them. At that time, Queen Victoria was married to Prince Albert, who values the ideas of Peel. This is why his honor for Peel changed her views about Sir Robert Peel too, and soon she started to honor Peel a lot more. When Peel was forced to resign, Queen Victoria was "sorry she had to part him as he was sorry to leave her." When Peel died in 1850, Queen Victoria stated that she just lost a "kind and true friend", her "worthy Peel, a man of unbounded loyalty, courage, patriotism and highmindedness".
          Later on, Lord Russell and Lord Palmerston came into office and made Queen Victoria very upset. She disliked Lord Russell's stubborness. Also, his secretary Palmerston, didn't care about Queen Victoria or her husband's thoughts and opinions on issues at all. Worst of all, Palmerston even tried to seduce one of Queen Victoria's ladies in waiting by going in her room. "The Queen told Russell more than once that the day would come when she would have to insist on Palmerston's dismissal", and that was how bad it was. Still, Palmerston's excellent performance in office made that impossible for Queen Victoria to do.
          When Benjamin Disraeli was appointed as prime minister, Queen Victoria was exremely relieved. First of all, she didn't have to deal with Lord Palmerston anymore, and second of all, Disraeli's praises made the Queen feel delighted. His oppenent Gladstone, as the Queen said, treated her "as though they were at a public meeting", which she did NOT like. She despised him so much that she couldn't even force herself to say she feels sorry when he died in 1898!

1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
This artifact relates to class conciousness, because this article was about Queen Victoria and prime ministers, and this article shows interactions between the prime ministers and the Queen, as well as the fact that even though the people weren't happy with the Queen, there was nothing they could do about it.
    b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
This artifact also relates to gender roles and the liberation of women, because as a powerful woman with a high status, Queen Victoria improved or at least influenced the improvement of the rights of women in the years following her reign.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
The reason that I chose to research about Queen Victoria is because I find her to be a very interesting person who lived a very interesting life. She is someone a lot of people should know a lot about, but unfortunately I didn't know much about her before I did this artifact. I spent around three hours to read it, take notes on it, and pick out the main points.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I learned a lot from this assignment because I never thought of researching or learning about the famous Queen Victoria, and I never had the chance to because it was never assigned, so I enjoyed learning about her from this article, because she is definitely an influential woman in history that I should really know about.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
No, because I don't know how concise or detailed I should be when I type up the notes about this article, so it seems like I'm kind of copying and pasting the whole thing though I left out more than half of the article's information. Also, I don't know a lot of additional things about Queen Victoria, so it's hard for me to add my own thoughts and prior knowledge in or create connections and questions I have about this article.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of 0~5(0 is neutral) for these 4 criteria:
    a) Impact on the quality of your portfolio
2, I don't know how to make it a great artifact, but I have a feeling there's something wrong, though I don't know what it is.
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
3, I did enjoy learning this information quite a bit, but I only liked the learning part, not the reading and note-taking part because I was just born that way.
    c) Impact on your learning
4, I learned a lot!
    d) Level of creativity and originality
1, this is not creative and original...
6. Any additional comments.
For this artifact, I would also appreciate a lot of tips, because once again, I need to know what I did wrong and how I can improve! Please help me! :P

Click here to comment on the feedback forum for this artifact!!! Thanks~ :)

Artifact #5:  Google Earth Tour

To view my Google Earth Tour, please click on this link:

1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
This artifact relates to communication and transportation revolution, because this google Earth tour shows two of the canals in the United Kingdom constructed in the 19th century.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
I don't think I can relate this to any other main topic.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
I chose this canal topic for my google Earth tour because canal networks will really represent Great Britain in the 19th century, because the canal networks are really old, and they're the first. It took me an hour to draw the path for each canal, so i decided not to draw any more of them... so the tour took me around two and a half hours to make...
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I learned about the locations of canals in the United Kingdom, and I learned the specific locations of the two canals that I drew a path of, the Leeds and Liverpool canal and the Kennet and Avon canal, along with some major cities and areas they pass through. Drawing the canals also helped me become more familiar with the path function of google Earth and just google Earth in general.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
Not really, because I'll have to admit I ran out of time drawing the two canals so I have to stop at two, which is not a convincing number.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of 0~5(0 is neutral) for these 4 criteria:
    a) Impact on the quality of your portfolio
3, because I don't think two canals represent quantity, and just drawing out the canals and adding lame captions aren't the best way to represent quality either.
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
4, despite the long time I spent on drawing the paths, I enjoyed learning about the canals, and I enjoyed drawing the paths and learning where everything leads to.
    c) Impact on your learning
4, I learned a LOT about canals, the geography of the United Kingdom, and Google Earth in general.
    d) Level of creativity and originality
3, I don't think this is original or creative, but my style can be seen.
6. Any additional comments.
Uhh...I tried media fire, so try clicking on the link to the media fire file. :)

Click here to comment on the feedback forum for this artifact!!! Thanks~ :)

Artifact #6:  Original Student Artwork

INDUSTRIALIZATION (to the instrumental version of "September"-by Daughtry)
Music by Daughtry; Lyrics by Tina Woohoo

(Verse 1)
All those days passed away
All the trouble that we gave
And all the days we spent to colonize those states
It has not gone to waste
'cause all the money that we made
Came from raw resources from those states

All the colonies we conquered
Made the cities seem to change
Years go by and time just seems to fly
But the smoke and fumes remain
Because of industrialization,
factories, and steam engines
Most of the nation was polluted but
Looking at all the new technology
It was worth it in the end

(Verse 2)
Now the skies aren't so clear
There's everything to fear
But the industry's taking over for real
Now we all miss those days
No polluting taking place
Want the clear skies that's already gone

All the colonies we conquered
Made the cities seem to change
Years go by and time just seems to fly
But the smoke and fumes remain
Because of industrialization,
factories, and steam engines
Most of the nation was polluted but
Looking at all the new technology
It was worth it in the end

Yeah we knew we had to modernize
But we never knew when and we never knew how
Until we ended up where we are
Yeah we wanted to improve this world
But we never knew when and we never knew how
Never knew until now

All the colonies we conquered
Made the cities seem to change
Years go by and time just seems to fly
But the smoke and fumes remain
Because of industrialization,
factories, and steam engines
Most of the nation was polluted but
Looking at all the new technology
It was worth it in the end


Watch the video of Tina Woohoo singing this song...
WARNING: If you cannot stand bad singing, PLEASE DON'T watch this video.
WARNING #2: If you decide to watch this video, you'll want to complain, but PLEASE DON'T :P
WARNING #3: If you happen to make it alive after watching the video, PLEASE DON'T proceed to celebrity music, especially not "September" by Daughtry because it's the original song... because if you do, you'll realize the unbearableness of my voice if you haven't already... and if you hated it already, you will DEFINITELY hate it even more. 

If you think you can watch it and stay alive, please click on this link:
No complaints please, because I know there's nothing good about this video except for the background music. :(

1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
This artifact relates to urbanization, because the lyrics are about how Britain is going through very rapid and intense industrialization, starting from colonizing to using all the resources from their land and their colonies' to create the first cities with pollution because of industrialization and urbanization.
    b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
This artifact also relates to globalization through imperialism, because colonizing states would be a necessary thing to do in order to get more resources and be more powerful, and that's just what they have been doing, colonizing and building a larger and larger nation.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
There are many reasons that I chose to create a parody of a song. The first reason becuase I really like "September" by Daugtry and this choice gives me an excuse to listen to it continuously. Another reason is because I totally fail at drawing, so I can't really create artwork without making it look like Kindergarten level work... Also, I love creating parodies for some reason, it's just really fun to do! It took me around half an hour to create the parody lyrics, but a few hours to record the singing because I always mess up... until take 20 where I didn't sing the wrong lyrics, was kind of on pitch, and didn't click "next" on the prezi too early or too late.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I had to do some research on Britain and industrialization to create this parody, and find words that will make the song kind of rhyme.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
No, because it's hard to put a lot of information into this song while making it flow, rhyme, and make sense at the same time.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of 0~5(0 is neutral) for these 4 criteria:
    a) Impact on the quality of your portfolio
3, this parody rhymes, has the correct number of syllables, but isn't very informational, and my singing wrecks the quality.
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
5, I loved making this parody, and I enjoyed every minute of it except hearing my own voice.
    c) Impact on your learning
1, I didn't learn a lot, except for how to create a parody due to the lack of the neccessity and the complexity of including deep, detailed information.
    d) Level of creativity and originality
4, I personally think this is quite creative and original even though the whole tune is someone else's creation, because this is something different, and this definitely portrays my style of creating artwork, and also my style of creating a parody!
6. Any additional comments.
Again, sorry about the bad singing if you chose to watch the video...!

Click here to comment on the feedback forum for this artifact!!! Thanks~ :)

Artifact #7:  Choice of Influential Artwork

by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was born in Bombay and educated in England. Some of his most famous works include: Barrack Room Ballads, Jungle Book, Second Jungle Book, The Seven Seas, Actions and Reactions, Debits and Credits, Thy Servant a Dog, and Limits and Renewals. This poem, If, was written in 1895, then published in 1910 in Rewards and Fairies, which includes some of his short stories and poetry.

1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
This artifact relates to human expressions through art, because this is a famous poem written by Rudyard Kipling that expresses his emotions and what he feels through the form of poetry.
    b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
This artifact also relates to the human mind, because this shows Rudyard Kipling's way of thinking, and how poetry has an effect of encouraging people and stating the pure facts and opinions of life.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
The reason I chose this artifact was because I like this poem a lot. When I first researched it in class and saw the title, I clicked into it, and this poem made me have goosebumps because it's not shallow at all. I like the way that the poem talks more about wisdom: feelings, perspectives, and life, and less about knowledge: plain old facts or information.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I learned about works of Rudyard Kipling and some other poets. I was inspired by many of the poetry I saw, and I researched a lot of them because I like the feeling of getting goosebumps because of the meaning behind the words in many text, especially poems.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
Kind of, because I think the main "work" I have to do for this artifact is to choose an influential artwork, and probably provide a little bit about the author of this artwork or reflection on why this artwork grabbed my attention. I think I chose a poem that can really inspire people, and I also think that's a good reason for me to choose this poem as the seventh artifact.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of 0~5(0 is neutral) for these 4 criteria:
    a) Impact on the quality of your portfolio
4, this poem definitely increases the quality of my portfolio because it is a great poem and it actually inspires people.
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
4, I enjoyed reading this poem, and it gave me goosebumps because of the way that it forces you to think from a perspective that deals with things that are inside of you, and not on the surface.
    c) Impact on your learning
3, I was very inspired by the poem, but otherwise I didn't really have to do any other research, so I learned a bit.
    d) Level of creativity and originality
0, this is Rudyard Kipling's creative and original poem, but it's not my creative and original work.

6. Any additional comments.
I hope that everyone who reads this poem can be touched by what it's talking about and will enjoy reading it like I do!

Click here to comment on the feedback forum for this artifact!!! Thanks~ :)

Artifact #8:  Students' Free Choice

The British Empire and the Way They "Move" (colonization, transportation, and immigration)

Here's the web address of a fabulous site full of great assignment ideas!!! :D

Here's the web address of a site with great animated maps. Without paying, we can only watch the demo of each category, but at least we'll get one great animated map to watch from each of the different categories!


In this artifact, the British Empire will be focused on, and the colonization, trade, and migration of the British are the focuses of this artifact.

Video: This is a link to a really awesome animated map that is about things that have to do with the British Empire and its colonization, transportation, trade, and immigration from the early 19th century until the second world war! It contains great information, it's not a very long video, and it's quite a great reference that is very well done. I strongly recommend this animated map! :)

Regions that were once part of the British Empire:
  • Britain!
  • Ireland
  • Canada
  • Thirteen colonies (United States)
  • Bermuda
  • British Honduras
  • Bahamas
  • Mosquito Coast
  • Pitcairn
  • British Guiana
  • Minorca
  • Heligoland
  • Gibraltar
  • Malta
  • Ionian Island
  • Minorca
  • Cyprus
  • Barbados
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Gambia
  • Sierra Leone
  • Gold Coast
  • Cameroons
  • Nigeria
  • Ascension Islands
  • St. Helena
  • Tristan da Cunha
  • South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • Falkland Islands
  • British Antarctic Territory
  • Grenada
  • Jamaica
  • South-west Africa
  • South Africa
  • Egypt
  • Sudan
  • Kenya
  • Uganda
  • Swaziland
  • Zanzibar
  • Maldives
  • India
  • Burma
  • Brunei
  • Malaya
  • Singapore
  • Hong Kong
  • Soloman Islands
  • Fiji
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • British North Borneo
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Kuwait
  • Iraq
  • Palestine
  • Oman
  • Aden
  • UAE
  • Bahrain
  • Qatar
  • Socotra
and many other small islands and areas that I definitely don't have the patience of naming... but I think the point is achieved. The only reason I bothered to list so many areas that the British Empire once conquered is to stress the extreme amount of power they had, and the many colonies they own around the world. AND THESE ARE NOT EVEN ALL OF THE REGIONS THEY CONQUERED!!!

 Basic information about the British Empire:
At its height, the British Empire was the largest empire ever in history!
After the independence of the Thirteen Colonies, the British empire focused on Asia, the Pacific regions, and Africa as their next "victims" and sought out to colonize those areas instead, and they spent the 19th century doing just that.
A major reason that the British Empire can be so successful in colonizing so many different regions of the world at ease during the 19th century would be the defeat of France. Without a strong competitor to worry about, they can dominate the world easily with no worries at all. This is where the topic "balance of power: empires rise and fall" comes into use, because France falling is definitely a factor to Britain rising as far as colonizing and power goes.

The British Empire was an empire full of many different migrations and a vast amount of human movement. Part of this is because of the large area of the world that are parts of Britain due to its many colonies.

Force Migrations:
Who?                                                     Where to?                                                     Why?         
-Convicts                                                 Australia                                                Inprisonment
-Chinese laborers                                North America                                        To build railways
                                                             South Africa                                         To work in mines
-West Africans                                    North America                                           To be slaves
-Indians                                               Other colonies                                               To farm

Other migrations:
Who?                                                          Where to?                                              Why?                 
-Many MANY people                            Many other colonies                           Escaping poverty
-More elite people                                  Many other colonies                   Get even better opportunities

For the "other migrations" category, even though there are large amounts of people who migrated, there isn't a way to categorize all those people who either migrated due to hopes of actually living or to get really really good jobs such as being part of the government or other more elite jobs.

1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
This artifact relates to globalization through imperialism, because the information and analyzations included in this artifact are about colonies of the British Empire.
    b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
This artifact also relates to communication and transportation revolution, human movement and migrationbalance of power: empires rise and fall, race: abolition, segregation , and anti-semitism, and notion of the frontier because this artifact talks about the migration of the British, the fall of Napoleanic France influencing the British Empire and its colonization, West-Africans being forced to North America as slaves.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
The reason I chose this artifact is because I really need to know some more background information about the British Empire, because I have no idea what happened in the British Empire. I spent one hour (almost exactly) to complete this artifact.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I learned basic information about Great Britain, and I also learned how to incorporate many different topics into one artifact.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
Not really, because it's not exactly unusual or creative, but I think its quite informational, and I find the video really really awesome.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of 0~5(0 is neutral) for these 4 criteria:
    a) Impact on the quality of your portfolio
4, this artifact not just has information (though that part is kind of boring) but it links to a great animated map.
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
4, I enjoyed creating this artifact a lot for some unknown reason.
    c) Impact on your learning
4, I learned quite a bit!
    d) Level of creativity and originality
3, I don't find it to be very creative or original, but it still is my stuff~ :D

6. Any additional comments.
I really enjoy the animated map. A LOT. So don't forget to watch it! :D

Click here to comment on the feedback forum for this artifact!!! Thanks~ :)

Artifact #9:  Students' Free Choice

Artifact #10:  Cause and Effect: Analytical Writing

Artifact #11:  Primary Resource (Students' Choice)

Artifact #12:  Idea Page

Artifact #13:  Gapminder Analyzation

Artifact #14:  Group Video Project

-Allen Wang
-Daniel Liu
-Jill Wang
-Tina Wu
:) Enjoy the video! :D

Part one of two!

Part two of two!

1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
This artifact relates to evolution of science and religion, because this video centers Darwin and his discoveries about evolution and natural selection.
    b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
This artifact also relates to communication and transportation revolution because this artifact talks about Darwin travelling to the Galapagos.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
The reason I chose this artifact is because my teammates and myself find this topic easy to do, and we all needed the science and religion evolution topic. We spent a whole Friday, starting at 8:30 in the morning and ending at 5:15, and then afterschool the following Monday, filming the video. The editing took a total of more than 35 hours when added together. The subtitles took away a whole evening and the following day's whole nights sleep alone.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I learned about Darwin and his ideas about natural selection, and also Lamarck's theory of transformation. Also, I learned a lot more about editing videos because of this artifact. 
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
Kind of, because filming a video shows more creativity and requires more ideas and more choices to make.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of 0~5(0 is neutral) for these 4 criteria:
    a) Impact on the quality of your portfolio
5, my teammates made this video entertaining with the awesome script they wrote when I was in Shanghai.
    b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
5, I enjoyed filming with my hilarious teammates, and even though the editing hours were long and tiring, they made me have something fun to look forward to each day.
    c) Impact on your learning
4, I learned a few things!
    d) Level of creativity and originality
5, the script, as I mentioned above, was written by teammates and it was awesome, but we all added a lot of improv for great effects in the video, making it more creative and fun, and more importantly, original even though Daniel and Allen were the ones writing the script. Also, our theme song, California Gurls, show the relaxing atmosphere of our video and our attitude towards it.
6. Any additional comments.
Thanks to all my teammates for being so awesome. You guys never believe me when I thank you on msn, so I'm going to thank you guys EVERYWHERE! :D Also, I have to remind you guys not to be sorry about me doing the editing. I was the only one with the program, so it's not your fault. Sorry for delaying the editing too, when I said I'd be done, and then uploaded it a week after the date that I said I'd be done by. I won't accept any apologies, because there's nothing to be sorry about. Thanks~

To everyone else: ENJOY THE VIDEO, HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! :D

I will create the forum later on, sorry about that~ :(

Artifact #15:  Student Created Timeline

Artifact #16:  My Photo Story Prezi

To view more photos from this field trip, please go to the link "Picasa Portfolio!-photos" to check the field trip photo album out! :D

Click here to comment on the feedback forum for this artifact!!! Thanks~ :)

Artifact #17:  Compare and Contrast Key Figures

Please comment on the discussion forum by going to the facebook discussion forum links after each artifact if you have any feedback regarding this post! I'd be glad to accept any kind of feedback! Thanks for taking the time to read my work, I really appreciate it! Hope you enjoyed it! :D


  1. At first I thought it was going to be bad(No Offense), but it turned out great. I mean your voice is wonderful, I love the lyrics. I actually learned something from this video, you made my volcano music sucked so bad. I love it. I love your dedication 10/10
